Sunday, May 24, 2009
Time: 8:54 PM
if life is a boat building competition
If life askes you to build a boat
and gives you the materials
life tells you
that there is a flood coming in due time
and askes you to prepare
Life turns the sand dial
and leaves
you look at the full sand dial
with its slow trickling grains of sand
and thought
that there is time to relax
It's so easy
to disregard everything
to just tell yourself you are safe
you look around
everyone around you are building up those boats
making mistakes and amending them
for life did not give manuals
but you sat down on the ground and stare at the bricks
to lazy to lift a hand
You hear the sound of water
but dismissed it
instead going on
building up your days with substances
that are non-existent and unsubstantial
you threw away the real building stones
because they are too heavy to lift
the flood is coming
and you look around again
and saw boats everywhere
your own however
lay jumbled up
and you dont know how to repair
the mistakes that piled up over time
your friends urge you
to build up something
at least
to save you from the flood
but you looked at them helplessly
and pointed to the tide
some of your friends start to worry
some of your friends washed their hands off it
you felt sad
to disappoint those who cared about you
it's like you misplaced their trust
but what could you do now?
so you just skimmed over the subject
and day by day go on
the day the flood was shecduled
you looked at your friends
and they shook their heads
you understand
they could not share their boat
cause there is just enough space for one
some friends afford to share their boat
but you understand
that if you did share with them
they wont survive
so you refused
there is no one to blame but yourself
you thought as the tide close in
"Coward ! what are you running from all this time? this thing called reality ?"
your friends all scampered onto the boats that they made
and you were left alone
the water closed in and flushed away
all your friends in boats
you spluttered in the water
and tried to grab onto the materials life gave you
although they are floatable
they could not support you
and you sink into the water
watching air escape
slowly you close your eyes
realising its much too late
to be continued ( cuz i dun know wad will happen in my life )