Saturday, February 23, 2008
Time: 11:16 AM
the aftermath; what the world is coming to
i know i am getting this bad
i cant sleep any early then 5 in the morning
new habit i have to kick
like i dont have enough bugging me already
with this new habit in hand, there leaves mua plently of time to figure out my marvelous plan
i have decided that the first to die in mua evil cluthes will be me boss
if i have hated him before then i hate him even more now
the moron woke me up from my maple sea dream and shouted to me that if i want to sleep i go to mcdonalds to sleep
hey you know what
you get money everyday to go around nagging people who are actually worth and are doing their jobs good and you go act as if u own the whole world
when actually you are nothing but a delusional old fart
you dare come to the outlet everytime and scold my beloved managers that are doing real jobs and give others a hard time and still claim that you are only thinking the best for us
and to quote him " i dont open a hotel here i am trying to run a buisness"
this ain't ur buisness old fart
you are just an employee same status under the REAL BOSS 's eye
you are not even our real boss my boss is in japan u are just a delusional substitude who thinks you are great when u are licking the boss ass everytime you see him
yeah a great boot licker you are
heck if you think u are so great lets see who supports you
if ever you come over to any outlet to work as a REAL manager
i see how you handle everything here
you can fucking run the whole place yourself, be the service crew kitchen crew at the same time
if you can you have my due respect to go on ur high and mightly-ness
if you dont take that attitude and shove it up your ass or smth
if i dare say my dad knows YOUR BOSS i see ur eyes pop right outa their fat sockets and you will fuss all over my dad to get him tell the boss what a great ass licker you are.
but i guess it is not easy working your job
you have to kiss every ass that claims they know your boss
but still a warning : keep in mind that the toes you step on today might lead to the ass you kiss tomorrow
i will love to see you squirm in that big aquarium of crocodiles covered in babeque sauce trying to kiss mine
too bad you had your chance
and you know i tend to be a little grouchy when i am disturbed in my sleep
i had known for many years through numeruos research that humans are indeed lazy creatures and will stop typing mid sentence when the clock struck 5 and go on to the funner parts of life like dating clubbing whatever humans think it is fun enough to do with their lives
but it had never occured to me that humans will automatically become less compationate after their working hours
lets take colleague A for example, yes he is colleague A he is not fit to be my friend
he was all nice to this sweet new girl who just came joined us not long before
yes he was all sweet till 10 pm
where his time is up he promptly left the girl to die in to kitchen for closing when it is supposed to be a 2 person job
and did i mention that there is still time till 10
he could have helped
i had always thought that humans had to be respondsible in things
which meant that if the job is not finished they will stay behind to finish it before they go
not dump all the burden on others just because it's convienent
another asshole
he would be the reason why there are so many single mothers in the world
obviously females of a species is more respondsible then most of the males
i dont understand how they will turn non-human after due time and leave another person to die even if they are calling for help
I hate these people, scracth that, THESE FUCKERS
if this is what the world is coming to then i am better off working with robots
great another point taken for my plan